Why You Should Consider a Boat Seat Pedestal When Buying a New Boat.
The open seas definitely seem barren right now in contrast with previous years, but before long, our country will be back to normal and boating will continue to be one of our most popular pastimes. In fact, we’re betting that a lot of people out there are using this time to consider buying a new boat as a way to put the coronavirus situation behind them. Although buying a new boat has probably been put on the back burner for a while, it’s always good to have something you and your family can look forward to as you practice social distancing and proper hand-washing. Since health and safety have become such important issues in recent days, here are a few reasons why a
shock-absorbing boat seat pedestal should be on your list of boating accessories as a way to alleviate rough water conditions:
You Have a History of Physical Health Issues
If you’ve ever been in the driver’s seat of a boat, then you’re surely aware of what it feels like to be jostled around by the waves. Anyone with a history of physical health issues, such as problems with their joints, legs, shoulders, or back, should definitely invest in the installation of a boat seat pedestal. This will help prevent your existing injuries or physical health issues from turning into something much worse by absorbing impacts and vibrations caused by boating on rough waters.
You Don’t Want to Begin a History of Health Issues
Even men and women in prime physical condition must always be aware of the strain put on their bodies as waves push the vessel around, causing your seat to be jolted back and forth. Over time, this constant or intermittent jostling will irritate your muscles and joints, often leading to aches and pains. When this continues unimpeded, it can lead to the need for physical therapy, medical relief, or even surgery in extreme situations.
You Want a Smooth Ride on The Water
Heading out onto the water with your family and friends should always be something joyous and fun. It should never be something that winds up being stressful or unpleasant. To ensure this, you definitely want to experience a smooth ride every time you get into the driver’s seat. The best way to accomplish this is with a shock-absorbing boat seat post, which can be retrofitted to fit most boats.
You Plan on Going on The Water on a Regular Basis
There’s no sense in buying a boat if you’re not planning to use it on a regular basis. Frequent boating can lead to discomfort and health problems after a relatively short period of time if you’re not doing anything to prevent it. What begins as simple aches and pains may prevent you from going back out on the water either physically or psychologically.
You Care About Proper Boat Safety for Everyone
Buying a boat isn’t just an exciting thing to do. It’s also a responsibility that you take on. As the boat’s owner, and we’re assuming “captain,” you should definitely care about the safety of every person aboard, including yourself. The installation of a
shock-absorbing pedestal will help ensure that you’re never distracted by aches, pains, or discomfort caused by the waves. Plus, if you decide to let anyone else get into the driver’s seat, this will keep them safe, too.
Trust Seaspension® for Boating Safety and Comfort
Buying a new boat is a big decision that you should never take lightly, especially as it relates to comfort and safety. The developers at
Seaspension® have dedicated themselves to providing a superior shock-absorbing boat seat pedestal that improves comfort every time you venture out onto the water. Thanks to our dedication to high-quality materials and excellent craftsmanship, you can be confident of a great boating experience. To learn more about
Seaspension® products and
Parker Boats' accessories, give us a call at