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Safe Activities for Children on Boats

Safe Activities for Children to do on Boats.

Boating is very often an incredible family adventure, but many children on boats will either need to be engaged at all times or have something to do that stops them from being bored. If you can find some safe activities for them to do, it’ll serve as a win-win for adults and children alike. There are many boat activities to choose from, but what you want is a healthy balance between engagement and distraction. We’ve thought long and hard about this and have come up with some of our favorite boat activities that are safe and fun for children of various ages.

Get Them Involved with Fishing

Perhaps the most engaging of all activities for children on boats is to get them involved with fishing. This is a wonderful way to teach them a variety of skills, depending on what age they are. There’s nothing quite like seeing a kid catch his or her own fish either for the very first time or for the umpteenth time. Their excitement and pride never seem to diminish. Watching for Sea Creatures

Give Them Access to Movies

These days, it seems that kids do nothing but stare at a screen all day. So, you may be reluctant to have them enjoy a movie while you’re out on the open water. However, if you’re having a party filled with adults, any kids who are present may quickly get bored. Getting them set up with a fun movie is a great way to keep them safe and entertained.

Board Games or Video Games

There are a lot of incredible things to enjoy while boating, but children often have short attention spans. If you’re going to be on the boat for several hours, bring along some board games and/or video games to keep them busy and happy. If there are a few kids that are around the same age, definitely try to lean them toward a board game or two they can play together.

Give Them Something to Eat

If you’re looking for a safe and fun activity, why not bring plenty of food for your kids to eat? Children on boats are just like children everywhere else – they love to chow down! If you’re planning to make a meal, burgers and hotdogs are perfect. You can also bring along a variety of chips, soda, fruit juice, and any other snacks that you think they’d like.

Consider Waterskiing Lessons

If you want to teach children on boats a new skill, you should definitely consider waterskiing. This is another of the safest boat activities for kids of all ages. Just be sure that you take proper precautions. Go over the safety rules with them and, of course, they must wear a life jacket at all times. They may be apprehensive at first, but once they learn what they’re doing, they’ll have a blast.

Give Your Kids a Cool Kite to Fly

Although children seem to enjoy a lot of electronic activities, kites are something that will probably never be forgotten. With the gentle breeze that you often find out on the ocean or even on a lake, flying a kite from a boat is the perfect safe activity. There are a nearly endless number of styles available, in addition to character-themed kites that are made specifically made for kids.

Contact Seaspension® to Improve Boat Safety

Seaspension® has done its part to improve boat safety by designing a shock-absorbing boat seat pedestal that helps alleviate the effects of waves while out on the water. If you have any questions about Seaspension® products or Parker Boats, give us a call at (727)216-9639 or shop online to order yours today!

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