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Must Have Boat Accessories

Must-Have Boat Accessories to Upgrade Your Boat with This Year.

Whether you’re an avid boater or just someone who loves to go out on the water, there’s nothing quite like the experience. If you’ve ever been on any type of vessel before, you’re probably aware that there’s a plethora of boating accessories available for safety, entertainment, and more. Just last month, we discussed some of the hottest holiday items for the beloved boater in your life. Today, we’re going to switch gears a bit and discuss some of our favorite must-have boat accessories for 2021 that can be purchased for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, or even for yourself to celebrate the new year!

Personal Locator Beacon

Safety should always be your number one priority whenever you venture out onto the water. Even many of the most experienced boaters can have navigational problems and get lost in the sea. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to keep yourself safe, so be sure to pick up a personal locator beacon. This device will send out your coordinates and also contains a probe that will flash on and off, so rescuers can more easily locate you. The best beacons will have a large digital display and multiple mounting options to make their usage easier.

Suction Cup Boat Cleaner

Cleaning the underside of your boat while it’s in the water can be an annoying, time-consuming experience. Our suggestion is that you pick up a suction cup boat cleaner called a Yachtgrabber that can keep you secured to the boat while you focus on the dirty work. This suction cup can be operated with just one hand and you simply move it along the boat and it’ll be clean in no time.

Plastic Cover Fasteners

Traditional boat covers can take a little time to remove, in part because of the metal fasteners. To make things easier, replace those metal fasteners with plastic fasteners by a company called Strex. You won’t need any special tools and installation only takes a few minutes. You’ll be amazed at how something so simple can be so useful.

Adjustable Seat Umbrella

It’s no secret that the Florida sun can be brutal. Even with proper sunscreen to protect you from the harsh rays, it may not be enough if you’re out on the ocean for several hours. Instead of dealing with the heat beating down on you, pick up an adjustable seat umbrella that will provide you with some shade. Just remember that even if you’re using this umbrella, you must still wear sunscreen for proper protection from ultraviolet light.

Wireless Bluetooth Speakers

This is something that always seems to crop up on every list of favorite must-have boat accessories or holiday gifts. That’s probably because music can make every water excursion more enjoyable. These speakers can be moved from place to place very easily and can be synced with your iPod, smartphone, tablet, or another type of device. This versatility will allow you to pump out music for hours on end.

Shock-Absorbing Boat Seat Pedestal

For our list of must-have boat accessories, we definitely can’t leave out our very own shock-absorbing boat seat pedestal. This works by absorbing the constant vibrations, both big and small, that are caused by harsh waves and even the gentle rocking of the ocean. This helps to alleviate pain and discomfort, reduces the risk of injuries or inflammation of past ailments, and improves your overall enjoyment of an outing. You’ll get a smoother ride and will be able to go out on the water more often.

Contact Seaspension® to Get Your Shock-Absorbing Boat Seat Pedestal

Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for a loved one or simply want to pick up something for yourself, these are just a handful of the must-have boat accessories that you’ll be able to find. If you have any questions about other types of boating items including Seaspension® products and Parker Boats' accessories, call our staff at (727) 216-9639 today.

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